Frac Sand Sizes
There is a strong importance when it comes to the size of the sand you use for any application. The mesh size and properties allow for outstanding conductivity to keep wells free flowing for maximum output, so make sure that the size is correct for your project before purchasing.
The granules of our round to sub-round frac sand range from our largest size, 4 mesh to our smallest size, 140 mesh. Take a look at our various sizes of frac sand and see which sand is right for your product- we promise you’ll be satisfied with what our sand can offer.
Our 12×20 mesh sand is a high quality, course round grain that is perfect for a number of applications, including water wells.
Thanks to the geological deposit within our mine, the silica sand that we produce is uniquely round to sub-round in shape and because of that, offers more desirable qualities for filtration and flow through. The 16×30 mesh sand we produce is a valued size in many industries for this reason.
This is a common size of frac sand for vertical or unconventional wells. Make sure you are using sand with our unique round to sub-round shape that is retained throughout the frac process, and is good for other applications like gravel packing.
This size sand is ideal for fracking, and other uses. Our Brady Brown sand is 99% quartz, and less than .02% iron oxide, making it ideal for oil and gas wells for fracking and many, many other uses.
Our 20×40 mesh level sand, like all of our sand, maintains it’s round to sub-round shape, meaning it is perfect for draining and removing particles and moisture from any system and has very low abrasion properties. This sand can be used in a wide variety of mesh applications.
This size of our round, silica sand is great for any application, but fantastic for wells, fracking, and other uses. It’s highly consistent round shape makes it ideal for draining and flow.
The 30×50 mesh sand is always high quality and like all our sand, is 99% quartz and less than .02% iron oxide, so you feel secure using it in any oil and gas well and for any fracking purpose. The high-quality sand is great for removing moisture and fine particles from any system.
Our 40×70 mesh sand is used widely in oil and gas wells, as well as many other applications. It’s high quality, highly constitant round to subround shape makes it a favorite for so many projects and applications.
Our 40×70 mesh sand, like all of our silica sand, is proudly 99% quartz and less than .02% iron oxide. This size sand is ideal for fracking.
All of our sand is highly crush resistant and always round to sub-round. The benefits of our sand is that it’s great for withstanding unconventional frac pressures without losing its shape, which makes it perfect for hydraulic fracturing operations.
Whatever your frac sand needs may be, all of our sand will do the job. Make sure you’re purchasing the optimum size for your application.
Our Brady Brown silica sand processes approximately 1.2MM tons/year. Our location keeps prices accessible and affordable without compromising in quality. We offer a variety of shipping and packaging options as well.
Give us a call today if you have any questions, want to know more about our products or want to discuss which size of our high quality silica sand is right for you at 325.239.5239.